Monday, July 9, 2012

Two Bike Fridays

Kevin was in town and he brought with him his trusty travel horse Bike Friday NWT. We planned a quick social ride together and took the classic hilly roads between R20 and Doshi Michi starting from Takao. The drizzle cool us off as we attacked the hilly roads and rewarded with a dry pavement/cloudy sky as we quickly descended to Otsuki. Filled our stomach with good Ramen before hoping on the train with a cold beer in our handlebar bags...

New World Tourist (Left) and Pocket Llama (Right)

Of the many passes of Green Line

Solo ride on the popular 'Green Line' in the rain. Lust greeneries, mountain passes, narrow roads, very few cars and bunch of trail runners makes it an enjoyable ride.

Some of the many mountain passes of Green Line